GSA's Automated Advanced Acquisition Platform

The Automated Advanced Acquisition Program (AAAP) is a multiple award lease procurement tool. The AAAP allows the market to compete for multiple federal leases by submitting a single offer through a simple online platform. The AAAP collects best and final offers, for generic office space needs, that remain in a secure database throughout the fiscal year (Oct 1 - Sept 30). Offerors are encouraged to submit all available office space, for three lease term options, with consideration to GSA's minimum requirements. The AAAP positions the GSA to expeditiously address the future leasing needs of the Government.

To view the Request for Lease Proposal Package for the region where your building is located, review the map below to identify your GSA Region #, Select the Region # from the dropdown, and click View RLP Package.

View AAAP Solicitations for Offer Package

Select a Region:

Map showing different regions

For more information about regions, go to the GSA Regions site.

Helpful resources are available by clicking the “Help” link at the top of each page. For technical assistance, email or call 866-450-6588, option 7. For answers to program or policy questions, email